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What happened to

Posted by David Wu on 2020-11-12 | Modified on 2020-12-27

Many only have heard stories about the bad domain name registrars who serve their customers poorly or even wrongly. But here is my new experience: Afilias as the TLD registry of .net, .org and .info., directly suspended my domain name using a deceitful reason: listed my domain name as phishing emails with that domain name were detected.

The first funny part is: almost every day in the Internet, there are some phishing emails flying somewhere, impersonating domain names like GMail, Google, Microsoft, even ICANN. Should those domain names be suspended too? The reason why SSL certificate is highly recommended is: because no one, neither the tech giants like Google, nor the top Internet organizations like ICANN, can prevent someone from injecting fake data into the Internet with such gloriously shiny domain names. While is a business, they collect as much data as possible, no matter fake or not, to create an advisory list against any potential danger early. They get paid for this list for any kinds of usage. Of course, will not list Google or ICANN, for no one will pay for this information. Yet, without SSL certificate related evidence, Afilias suspened my domain name with only one reason that my domain name was in the list of

The second funny part is that I was suggested by Afilias to remove my domain name from the list of before they could lift the suspension. That is a trap. To prove you own a website, it is usual that you are asked to place certain specific text in your domain name record, or a special file on your website. When its domain name is suspended, how can to verify the things and to know you are the owner? Furthermore, in case there are forged phishing emails with my domain name, why should I wipe out this information from Unless I do need to inject a lot of emails into the Internet, I have no reason to white-wash it. On the contrary, as a good owner of a website of blogs or posts, I even should post this information on my own website to tell all my readers: there are forged phishing emails against this website, so they will take caution.

Though I only list two points in above, you should see now: it is not that my website was necessary to be suspended, it is that Afilias the TLD registry operator played deceitfully, or more likely defrauded. Surely, the above things are unknown to ordinary website owners: because they don't have the basic technical knowledge, they will think such problems are just bad luck and give up their domain names easily. However, this creates a big breach to the intactness of the Internet: for anyone can inject some fake data to forcibly shut down a website in this way, thus manipulate the overall content of the Internet or deprive the rightful owner of a good domain name. It is still a brand-new threat which many haven't been aware of. However, it will cause too much damage if such behaviour of a TLD registry isn't been stopped early.

I actually do not fight for my domain name. After being suspended three months, my original domain name becomes useless to its original content. All the accumulated SEO and user activities before suspension has been already gone; if I moved the content back from the alternative which was set up in emergency, then the new activities in those three months will be wasted too. ICANN isn't helpful, all you can find in its official website are about complaints against a registrar, but not for you to complain against a TLD registry. My first two complaints were closed by ICANN quickly without any meaningful result. My third complaint to ICANN did cause Afilias to lift the suspension, but still there isn't any further result till now which is at the end of 2020.

I don't like other small website owners to suffer the same thing as I did. Also, according to what I have experienced, it isn't possible for Afilias did this only to me, there must be many other victims. So justice should be delivered. I will try to educate the public against such fraud of a TLD registry: how to figure out the trap, how to deal with it, etc., through both conventional media and Internet social media. Of course, I will set up a dedicated website too. Those things will be done a bit after a bit.

Read further if you are also interested in the original content of

The original content of EndTime.Info was urgently moved to two separated websites:
The articles about the End Time were moved to
The King James 1611 Bible was moved to

Some might question me: since I believe now is the End Time, why I still care so much about the public interest of the Internet? It is based on the Bible as my foundation and the Holy Spirit as my guide. Otherwise, I shall let it go. The Bible says the earth is the refining pot of GOD. What does that mean to us? It can be as simple as: this world is just a special school established by GOD for HIS children as descendants of Adam, to learn what is good and what is evil, or in other words, righteousness and unrighteousness.

What is the End Time? It's like final exam time for a school year. So what do you do when you're still in the exam room before the end bell rings? Would you just pack your bags and get ready to leave? Or do you sit there and wait for the rest of the time to pass? I know a lot of people do that, but it's not the right choice.

Our examination paper is our daily life as ordained by God: whatever happens in a day, good or bad, is a challenge printed on our examination paper and we must give the answer; what we actually say and do is the answer we write on it. GOD our FATHER in heaven will check them and decide how much inheritance we will receive in eternity. It isn't my plan to encounter a fraud, but my reaction shall be tested by GOD.

But, it isn't as simple as do or not. It is harder: if I overdo, I lose points; if I underplay, still I lose points. Just as Jesus says, the way of life is narrow. However, I got the confirmation by both HIS WORD (the Bible) and HIS SPIRIT: I should push this issue toward justice to prevent others from losing their domain names and the manipulation of the content of the Internet by anyone.

Many love to talk about the unconditional love of GOD. But GOD's unconditional love is not for HIS creations, but for justice and righteousness, which does satisfy HIM, and that's what HE wants us to do. However, Jesus warns us that we should only do our good work at daytime, not at nighttime. There is still light for us to protect the Internet, but for the presidency of the USA, the darkness has been already there for a while. Here will be a link to the prophecy of the last eight presidents of the USA. Please click here to read.


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